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Click SUPPORT TALENT, select talent, pledge your support and contribute to nurture >Future® Champions in the making.

Anytime, anywhere YOU spot a promising sporting Talent, Click REPORT TALENT, fill-up details, take Talent’s video and upload to give India its next Champion!!

How you can help?

Training fees

To support monthly fees at my Academy, my place of WORSHIP to play, practice, perspire, persevere perfection and perform.


To support sporting-kit for my training needs and come closer to my God, my role-model is my GOD.


To support my sporting-outfit as I make my own holy water, PERSPIRE to practice harder, just like my God.

Sport shoes

To support my sporting-shoes as I wear shoes in my place of worship, my GROUND.

Health Insurance

And support to boost my physical & mental strength to win, ‘Never give up’ is my mantra, my coach is my GURU.

Sportism® Accountability & Transparency

Every single Rupee received in support at Sportism® is invested in nurturing the Talent only, administrative expenses are solicited through different means.

Transparency is a founding principle of Sportism®. Supporters can audit our accounts 'online-real-time-anytime' and get latest figures of amount received in support & its utilization to nurture >Future® of our Talent pool.

Sportism® endeavors to create and follow the highest standards of transparent accounting, assures all supporters about judicious use of pledged support in nurturing Talent, only.